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is an artist & illustrator & comics creator.


8ft x 28ft, 2023

As Banished Brewing was building out their taproom, they approached me about commissioning a mural for the space, to be painted on the wall that would separate the taproom from the kitchen. We decided that we wanted to do something that felt like it existed in, and expanded on the world of Space Puffins, which is their flagship beer series, featuring psychedelic puffins that live in space. I wanted to do something that leaned into the rainbow blobs, which are sort of a psychedelic "Milky Way" or gaseous space clouds. The idea is that Space Puffins are inter-dimensional beings who travel along, and are only visible in these cosmic rainbow rivers. I wanted the rainbow blobs flowing all the way across from one side of the mural to the other, and I thought it would be a fun to have it end by flowing into a giant glass, filling it with a beautiful rainbow brew. The spaceship food truck was conceived as a way of integrating the kitchen pass-thru into the mural, so that when the kitchen's open, it looks like the crew are inside, roaming the galaxy, hawking snacks. 

The mural was painted over an 8 day period, with invaluable help from Jason Normore, and Andrew "Digby" Manzer. It was painted with high quality house paint & finished with a satin, water-based polyurethane to ensure durability for such a high-traffic area. 

All mural photos were taken by the extremely talented Jane Brokenshire.

©2022 by Paul G. Hammond.

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